Teaching and Preaching God's Word: 78 Concise Exhortations (Book)

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Teaching and Preaching God's Word: 78 Concise Exhortations (Book)
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Teaching God's Word is a privilege and a blessing, but it is no easy task. Some preachers make it look easy, but for those of you who've done it, you know better. Drawing on more than 20 years of teaching experience and the wisdom and advice of beloved preachers like:

    • Charles Spurgeon 
    • Martyn Lloyd-Jones 
    • G. Campbell Morgan 
    • Martin Luther
    • John MacArthur
    • Warren Wiersbe
    • Chuck Smith
    • Alistair Begg
    • John Piper
    • John Stott 

. . . Charlie Campbell shares 78 concise suggestions, ideas, exhortations and words of encouragement on teaching the Bible. The book’s short, stand-alone chapters are ideally suited for busy teachers. Whether you are a novice at teaching the Bible or a seasoned preacher, you're sure to benefit from the ideas, Biblical wisdom and heart-stirring quotes by some of church history's greatest teachers.

Preview the first thirty pages here.

The Spanish edition is available here.

Paperback, 206 pages, 5.5" x 8.5"

21 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Buying five more copies!

    Posted by Chris on 30th Jul 2013

    I really enjoyed this book. It is super helpful. I'm buying five more copies to give to guys in our church who believe that God is calling them to teach His Word.

  • 5
    Full of Practical, Biblical Wisdom

    Posted by Jason on 29th Jul 2013

    I have been reading a few of the principles from the book each day. I have really been enjoying it. It is full of practical, Biblical wisdom.

  • 5
    Ordered it for youth leaders, pastoral team and interns

    Posted by Unknown on 25th Jun 2013

    Started reading it this week and really was blessed and convicted! I ordered it for our young adult youth leaders, pastoral team and interns.

  • 5
    A must read!!!

    Posted by David Halla on 15th Jun 2013

    Charlie touches on all the points of preaching. An easy book to read. Each point hits home details often overlooked. If you want to be a better preacher or teacher this book will allow you to grow in numerous areas.

  • 5
    Loved it!

    Posted by Elisabeth on 14th Jun 2013

    I read most of the book on the plane...and loved it. It is so practical, and I think leaders of small groups, teachers, youth leaders, etc. will also benefit from it.

  • 5
    This book will be a standard in my library.

    Posted by David on 31st May 2013

    I just finished the book "Teaching & Preaching God's Word" and I have to say how much I have enjoyed it. I have several of the preaching books that were mentioned in the book as well as some of my own, but the way Charlie put his material together cut through what many would linger on to bring out the clear message and examples. To tell you how much I enjoyed it, I began to hi-light the 1st chapter then I had to put my hi-lighter away because the whole book would soon be yellow. I plan on re-reading this book as well as applying the content to my Sunday School lessons and preaching. Kudos to Charlie Campbell for a timely, much needed book. This book will be a standard in my library.

  • 5
    Really good!

    Posted by Matt on 8th May 2013

    "Teaching and Preaching God's Word" is really good. I plan on giving it to our life group leaders at the church I pastor. I appreciate Charlie's attention to detail and willingness to talk about things that a lot of other preaching books don't even mention.

  • 5
    Concise, useful, and encouraging book.

    Posted by D. B. on 8th May 2013

    I just have to say how absolutely perfect this book is. The principals Charlie shares are the very things we must all remember. It was very confirming...I am excited to let others know about it.

  • 4
    Biblical book

    Posted by Unknown on 4th May 2013

    This book was very easy to read. Solid in God's Word...Great job Mr. Campbell. Keep grounded in Him.