Evidence for God: Reasons to Believe from Cosmology, Biology, Philosophy, History, and the Bible (Book)

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Evidence for God: Reasons to Believe from Cosmology, Biology, Philosophy, History, and the Bible (Book)
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Does God exist? Where does the evidence point?

Oxford professor Antony Flew spent more than fifty years promoting and defending atheism. He wrote more than thirty books on the subject and was long considered the world’s most influential atheistic philosopher, debater, and author. But in 2004, he announced that he had abandoned his atheism after concluding God must exist. The world was stunned. Flew said it was compelling new scientific evidence that changed his mind. In this little book, Charlie Campbell discusses this evidence and other discoveries that have led millions of people to conclude that God—the God of the Bible—truly does exist.

Paperback, 50 pages, 5" x 7".